DFM School of Ministry exists to train men and women for ministry through a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ. At DFM we define ministry as living for the benefit of others. Our hope is to influence a generation trained, transformed and equipped to make disciples for Jesus Christ.
What is a Disciple? A disciple is a learner, student or follower of Jesus Christ. S/He is growing in love for and trust in, Jesus. S/He is fully devoted to Him.
“And he (Jesus) said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19
Spiritual health involves disciples whose head, heart, and hands do the bidding of Jesus. Disciples commit all they have and all they are to finish the work of God - making disciples of all nations.
So, according to Jesus, a disciple is a person who:
1) is following Christ (head) FOLLOWING Jesus 2) is being changed by Christ (heart) Being FORMED by Jesus 3) is living the mission of Christ (hands) FAITHFUL to His mission 4) and leads others to do the same (health) FINISHED replica
Knowledge about the Word of God and the Christian life must move from the head to the heart; where it can affect character, and from the heart to the hands; where it can affect our actions. Spiritually mature Christians live relationally - they love God and love others. Their resources, abilities, and time are at His disposal so His mission can be completed. DISCIPLESHIP OVERVIEW SPIRITUAL GROWTH GROUP
Attributes of a disciple
1. A disciple submits to a teacher who teaches him or her how to follow Jesus.
2. A disciple learns Jesus words.
3. A disciple learns Jesus ways of ministry.
4. A disciple imitates Jesus life and character..
5. A disciple finds and teaches others disciples who also follow Jesus.
What is discipleship? “Discipleship is helping people to trust and follow Jesus.”
“ It’s leading others to increasingly submit all of life to the empowering Lordship of Jesus Christ.”